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Mega Mando Monday

Writer: Thali`aThali`a

Finally, Mando Monday, and boy, Jarreth talked about it a lot. A great team effort saves the day, the arrival of Luke and a teary-eyed ending.

If you didn't hear Jarreth's account of it then please check out the "past shows".

One thing I did notice though. If you waited until after the credits they did a little one of those teaser things and WOW, Bib Fortuna really let himself go. I've never seen a fat Twi`lek before. How many chins did he have?

Here is an overview:

Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, and wow what an episode. Your heart will pound with excitement, then it’s going to break. The episode was an emotional roller coaster ride. This episode brought more to us fans in 47 mins than JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson did with 3 feature films.

And we're left with a laundry list of questions, including:

Where does the show go from here?

It feels, in many ways, like the end of the story —the one between Mando (Pedro Pascal)

and Baby Yoda, that is.

In a post-credits scene, Boba Fett and Fennec Shand arrive at Jabba’s palace from

Return of the Jedi. They slay Bib Fortuna, who’s occupied the throne for the better part of a decade, and Boba takes a seat, Fennec at his side. The graphics come up...

The book of Boba Fett...coming December 2021

so instead of 9 new star wars shows coming

soon plus Mandalorian...we actually have 10!

We can't dismiss the fact that Jarreth is as good with this as he is guessing the Masked Singers. Here is what he said.

"A lone X-wing is seen flying past the this point, I knew it was Luke..then we see the lightsaber...Luke...then it ignites, and it's Green...Luke..we then see the clothes the Jedi is wearing...Black, with the iconic belt buckle worn during RoTJ...Luke. At this point, the only thing that would've shocked me is if he turned out to be anyone OTHER than Luke."

An awesome end to an awesome season.

Denmark's decision to kill off all of their minks, out of fear the animals could spread a mutated version of COVID-19, is coming back to bite them. it's like some kind of Mink Zombie Apolocalyps because the little gits are rising out of their graves; not to mention the fact that and slaughtering them might've even been illegal, to begin with.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen handed down a national order to cull the country's 15-million-plus population of minks. The reason is that scientists discovered mink could catch COVID-19 from humans, where it would mutate within their own bodies, and then transmit it back to people, which government officials feared could screw up vaccination efforts.

The reason is that scientists discovered minks could catch COVID-19 from humans, have it mutate within their own bodies, and then transmit it back to people, which government officials feared could screw up vaccination efforts. So, they called the shot and wiped 'em all out.

Not all of the dead mink could be incinerated and had to be buried. Unfortunately, gasses released from the millions of dead bodies have been forcing their remains back above ground, and it's grossing people out. Not to mention that is may also have compromised the drinking water and hurt the businesses of those who used to deal in fur.

Speaking of fur, Kylie Jenner got an earful on Saturday night as she left a store that sells a lot of furs. Protesters (who it is believed were tipped off by the press) slammed her, calling her a monster.

Kylie was leaving Moncler in Bev Hills when animal rights activists armed with megaphones

descended on her car and began screaming, "Shame on you," "You're a monster," and

"Animals are skinned alive." ...Errr last I heard the latter is definitely not true. Trust brainless, hippie libtards to get their facts so wrong.

Is anyone interested in frying up a little python?? Well, if you live in Florida,

you're in luck.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Florida Dept. of Health may give the green light to make the slithery creature a menu item in restaurants and at home, and 6000 pythons are being tested to check mercury levels aren't too high

It's said they can actually be delicious.

Some folks like to turn them into jerky, but

they can also be cooked in other ways.

Any takers? Probably tastes like chicken anyway.

At my work, we are required to undergo Covid screening at the start of every shift. This involves answering a bunch of questions either face to face or via an app and then having your temperature taken.

Now I have been saying for ages now; if people want to go to work they will lie. I don't know how many people call out sick and then just show up and say "no" to some of the symptoms when they might have displayed things such as the upset tummy types. It seems like a waste of time doing them if peeps are gonna cover the truth. Due diligence on behalf of the employers, I suspect.

Anyway, I have been proven correct with this next story. Not only do they lie but their inconsideration may also cost other peoples lives.

Headline: Man with coronavirus dies on a plane after 'lying and saying didn't have symptoms'

The United Airlines passenger had been displaying coronavirus symptoms for a week but lied before boarding and was seen shaking and struggling to breathe even before take-off in Orlando, Florida, it is claimed.

Tony Aldapa, a paramedic, and others risked potential exposure while giving CPR, as they tried to save the man. He had now become symptomatic and is now awaiting a second test.

The problem is, this is a plane and although they use Hepa filters, this initially only reproduces 60% of filtered air. The filters block and capture 99.97% of airborne particles over 0.3 microns in size and the air is all completely changed within 3 minutes. The efficiency of these filters, perhaps counterintuitively, increases for even smaller particles. So while the exhaled globs that carry SARS-CoV-2 can be quite small, HEPA filters effectively remove the vast majority from the air.

But do we know how many it takes to infect? Probably not. Vast majority doesn't really give me peace of mind.

Good luck to the paramedic and all others who tried to help the guy. Hope you all stay safe and healthy.

I have some home news that I don't think even Jarreth is aware of...yet!!

So we all know that in 4 days time it is Christmas day. So I did "the thing" and bought a turkey, veggies, tattie, know the score.

The thing is Jarreth doesn't know is that Turkey is over 21 lbs in weight.

As I have to work on Christmas night I planned for us to eat on Christmas Eve, so I am really hoping it defrosts in time.

I guess we will be in a Turkey coma for weeks to come lol.

Finally, we came to our Raffle drawing today. 60 tickets were won overall. Jarreth asked me to do the drawing and the winner is Jaydon TaVolarian. Congrats Jaydon.

Hilariously, Jarreth lost it as Jaydon only had 1 ticket and Womgi kept saying that she would win. He said it more than once. So when her number came up Jarreth cracked up.

Way to be a good sport Womgi the Wise, Darth Womgi the Lucky AKA The Predictornator.

It has been really fun holding this raffle and I thank each and every one of you for your participation and eagerness.

And just to finish up. Here's a little something that I found and am posting...because I can.

Love always


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