It's been a crazy day so far and still so early lol.
I had to run to Walmart so my cats don't die of starvation (Joking but the way they eat you would think we were starving them.)
One old lady loses her phone and doesn't realise so about 4 of us use our detective skills to track her down. We do, and all is good. Then as I am popping my shopping in the boot of the car I hear this squealing noise. I look to my right and see a box van going very quickly through the car park.
The van has wheel trims on....the front wheels are moving...the back IS NOT. Poor dude's back end locked up but he did manage to make it to somewhere without hitting anyone else. He basically skidded through the whole lot.
Gonna start off with the Wacky but true cos I need a lightened mood 🥰
Man Unplugs Traffic Light to Charge Phone _
A guy in China desperate to charge his phone ended up disrupting traffic after he plugged his mobile into a traffic light. Officers found the man had opened the light’s switch box and unplugged the controller in order to charge his phone.
Also, Mouse-Fearing Woman is Teased by Ex _ Police in Sweden arrested a man who allegedly pushed 19 mice through the mail slot of his ex-wife’s front door. The police said the ex-wife is musophobic — meaning she has a fear of mice.
The world is crazy right now.
Congrats to our winner Lex who won both prizes. Can't wait for our 'know it all' showdown against Womgi Fidelis. Further information on this will be released soon
Love always