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Mondays don't get any better than this

Writer: Thali`aThali`a

Happy Monday everyone.

Well, it is for me as it is my day (well technically my night) off. So I am planning what to do in the wee hours when everyone else is tucked up in slumberland.

Might write some more of my book.

I'm going to start with a rant and get it out of the way.

I just read a story about a 39-year-old British woman who set fire to her house, killing her 6 children was handed a 17-year sentence for her role in an arson attack. was freed after serving just half of her 17-year sentence for manslaughter and is now living in an all-girls hostel full of perks. These include yoga and Christmas hamper in £600-a-week taxpayer-funded home, where she will stay for up to 12 weeks as staff and a charity help her find her own place to live as well as assess her for jobs and college courses.

A charity working with dangerous offenders will mobilise a group of up to six volunteers who will be her ready-made friends now she’s free so she doesn’t feel vulnerable or lonely. What a damn f***king pity. They should have thrown away the key.

Residents in the hostel also receive a hamper of items like toiletries which are made up from supplies donated from local shops and supermarkets. I think I would prefer it if the gave items like this to the homeless, who are left stranded out in the cold, often through no fault of their own. I hope Karma decides to be a bitch.

Rant over !!!

We discussed The Mandalorian on what has now become known as "Mando Monday". We decided a few days ago that if you haven't been it over the weekend then you probably don't care enough. But we are giving a few day's grace to prevent spoilers.

My favourite part was when Mando took Grogu (still think they could have had a better name) on a flight with the jet pack. It was kind of reminiscent of a kid on a roller coaster. Just listen to cute.

Has anyone heard of "The Golden Ratio?" No?. Me either until today. It is apparently the Golden ration equation is what is used to find the "best bum in the world". The funny thing about this is Kim Kardashian didn't even win, despite the size of her posterior.

The system was developed by the ancient Greeks to measure physical perfection and claimed there was a Golden Ratio for all things when they approached perfection.

Dr Riccardo Frati of Frati Cosmetic Surgery says according to the mathematics of beauty, the "perfect ratio" for the bottom - waist - breast should be 3:2:3 and the perfect upper hip to lower hip ratio is 6:4.

The mathematical equation known as Phi sees the ideal bum proportion as 3:2:3.

Might have to get the tape measure out lol.



Two men are serving jail time China after stealing a luxury car and taking it for a joyride. The men found the key fob to an Audi left behind on an ATM. When they pressed the fob’s auto-unlock button the car beeped from roughly 200 feet away. Because neither man knew how to drive, they hunkered down at an Internet cafe to learn how to start and drive the vehicle. After a day of cramming, they drove off with the car.

They were caught after running a red light. (idiots)

Today's Bozo criminal comes from Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, where bozo Jeffrey Taylor walked into a hair salon and asked an employee if she had a product that could “bring his hair back.”

When she told him there was no magic potion, our bozo, described as “6’3? 250 pounds and bald”, became belligerent and generally caused a disturbance at the shop. He was arrested and charged with misdemeanour disorderly conduct. However, outstanding warrants led to him being charged with arson, criminal mischief and violating a protective order. Perhaps the jailhouse barber will be able to help him with his hairy problem.


It can be scary to ask for help. You don’t want to bother people, and you definitely don’t want to seem incompetent or unprepared.

But some recent research from Harvard Business School found something reassuring; when you ask for advice, the people you’re asking tend to find you more competent, not less.

I guess I must be a genius then 🤣

And finally...

“What’s your favourite smell?

In a survey, freshly baked bread came out at #1. Which to me isn't surprising, as I have heard that you should bake bread before having people over to view your house when you are selling up. There is definitely something comforting about that smell

Other smaller that came up were clean sheets and freshly mowed grass. After the top three, we like flowers, freshly ground coffee, fresh air after the rain, vanilla, chocolate, and cooking bacon.

Mmmmm Bacon. I doubt many people would disagree with that one, but quite frankly I am surprised it wasn't in the top three.

Love always


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