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Nova Network - We have Star Power

Writer: Thali`aThali`a

Greetings one and all and Welcome to the first blog of many from yours truly, Thali.

Let me hear you say Yeeeah☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

Let me hear you say Yeeeah (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Only kidding, It's great to be here at Nova and we hope you are enjoying the shows.

To kick-off, I might as well start with something potentially controversial...Money.

What is the most you can spend without checking with your spouse, partner etc?

According to Ameriprise Financial, in a survey released a couple of years ago, the average spending limit that called for a discussion was $400. 🤯 If I were to go and spend $399 without speaking to Jarreth first, I would be in deep doo-doo, and likely the same the other way around. I don't claim to go to him for everything if I want to spend money, but I definitely think the average would be lower than that. Never trust a poll/survey IMO.

Just when I thought TV couldn't stoop any lower. How wrong can a girl be? I read an article earlier in a UK tabloid about a show called Naked Attraction. Now, I've seen Naked and Afraid and while I still think it is a silly concept, at least they have to do the survival thing while being completely exposed. But this new one!! Give me a break.

The dating show which airs on UK's Channel 4 (which has always had some dodgy stuff since 1982) has proved to be controversial since it started, due to its full-frontal nudity and close-up shots of genitals. The funny thing about this one was that the couple seemed to be getting on well and then the guy made some kind of sleazy chat-up line and the girl legged it.

Am I intrigued? Probably. Would I watch it if it aired over here? Probably not. I dropped 60 IQ points alone just reading the article.

Jarreth also had some Wacky But True stories. You have to wonder about some people.


A couple in Russia who tried to avoid buying a train ticket for their daughter by putting her in a suitcase were caught when the case was stolen. Luckily, the girl was found after the crooks let her out but kept the suitcase.


Police in Germany arrested a man who broke into a business and stole multiple sausages. Surveillance video showed the man trying to break down the front door for about 20 minutes. The intruder then took some sausages from the meat-processing business, went back outside and then returned, grabbing a coat and falling asleep in the back office. Police officers woke up the thief, who admitted he’d been out drinking.

Curious minds want to know, Why sausages and not a few slabs of juicy steak?

Reality stars always do something to annoy people, other than their crappy acting skills of course.

"Jersey Shore" stars Snooki and Deena are getting dragged into a food fight, but not in the cafeteria, this one's in court and it's all over their meatball merchandise.

The Meatball Shop just filed a lawsuit against Snooki and Deena, claiming the duo's meatball merch is full of the New York sandwich shop's trademarks.

As "Jersey Shore" fans surely remember ... Snooki and Deena call themselves the meatballs on the reality show, and now they're using the moniker to sell shirts and hoodies on the Internet.

According to the lawsuit, The Meatball Shop claims Snooki and Deena stole the store's swag and slapped it on a bunch of merchandise ... totally ignoring the restaurant's cease and desist letter. The Meatball Shop is no fan of Snooki and Deena's side hustle ...

in the docs, they say the reality stars' merchandise is ruining their brand's good name.

This is typical of the attention-seeking drama that is the existence of the reality star. And I use the word star begrudgingly.

This is how I see them.

Now we all know about the recent kerfuffle about statues and monuments which were destroyed as they depicted people who had been involved in the slave trade in the distant past. Well the residents of Bristol in the UK had torn down the statue of slave trader Edward Colston back in June. But overnight a new statue was found to be on the empty plinth of none other than dun dun duuuuun ........Darth Vader😁.

According to the newspaper that printed the story,

"A leading street artist in the city created the huge tribute to him - with the artist saying "Bristol has lost a son".

"A petition was also set up asking for a statue of the actor - who started his career as a weightlifter, bodybuilder and bouncer before heading off to London for a career as an actor - to be placed on the Colston plinth permanently." (courtesy of


A survey once found that America’s dullest store for holiday shopping is the museum store at the National Museum of Funeral History in Houston, Texas. The Funeral History Museum’s in-house gift shop and online store sell such tempting items as a $75 book on The History of American Funeral Directing, and a $25 book titled President Gerald R. Ford Funeral Service. Browsers can also buy a baseball cap, mug or a tombstone-shaped magnet emblazoned

with the museum’s slogan: “Any day above ground is a good one”.

Wonder if they sell gift cards!!!

BOZO criminal stories

The first is from Blair County, Pennsylvania and this is how it played out

One: Steal a grey Audi SUV. Check.

Two: Take off on Route 22 but fail to check the vehicle’s gas gauge. Uh, check.

Three: Coast to a stop on the side of the road and call, not AAA, not a tow truck, but instead the state police to ask for help. Check.

Four: Go to jail after the cop arrives and determines the vehicle is stolen. Check and busted!

Here is another from South Plympton, Australia.

The cops were called to a report of a prowler at a building site. When they arrived, they cordoned off the area and brought in a K-9 patrol. After initially finding nothing, the cops noticed something strange. A statue that seemed to be out of place. Further investigation found that the statue seemed to be breathing. Yep, our bozo had hidden in plain sight by pretending to be a statue. He’s busted! and charged with criminal trespass.

And finally, I thought I would end with a quiz. These are called Rebus or Dingbats and I am sure you have encountered them before. So just for fun give it a whirl and you can either comment here or give a shout out in the Nova Network Discord channel.

Have fun everyone.

Love always


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